Epworth Family of James Island

About Us


At Epworth, you will:

RENEW your spirit and RESTORE your faith through weekly worship with Bible-focused sermons and both classic and contemporary Christian music,

RELATE to others through relevant Bible study, fellowship, and service,

RESPOND to the needs of the community through local and global missions, and

RELAX in a friendly and welcoming environment.


Epworth UMC has a long and interesting history on James Island. 

Click here to read Epworth's history

A Message from our Pastor

Welcome to Epworth United Methodist Church of James Island! We hope you will allow us to share with you the many blessings we receive from God and one another as we work in and around the James Island community to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. That’s ambitious, isn’t it, but that’s exactly what we are called to do.


We encourage you to join one of our discipleship groups, a Sunday school class, women or men’s group, or thematic Bible study.  We also invite you to participate in one of our ministry teams: nurture, outreach or witness. We take seriously the “priesthood of all believers” (I Peter 2:4-5), and with only part-time professional staff, including the pastor, every member is important to the ministry of Epworth. We look forward to helping you find your place in the ministries of our church: children, youth, and adults!


Please don’t hesitate to contact the church office if you have any questions (epworthoffice1540@gmail.com or 843-795-3722).



Vivia Lawton Fowler, Pastor


What We Believe 

As United Methodists, we share beliefs with millions of other United Methodists around the world. We believe that God has been revealed to us as creator, redeemer, and comforter, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We worship together regularly and observe two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion. We believe that our faith is informed by the Bible, Christian tradition, personal experience, and reason.

Click Here to Read More

How can we help?

Our office hours are:

Mondays from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Tuesdays-Thursdays from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.

You may contact the church at 843-795-3722 or at Epworthoffice1540@gmail.com.

You may also contact us with a message, question, or prayer request by clicking the button below.

Click Here to Contact Us
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