Epworth Family of James Island


Epworth United Methodist Church of James Island is located at 1540 Camp Road--just off Folly Road on James Island. Our five-acre property features the church sanctuary, an extended wing of classrooms administrative offices a detached fellowship hall (Pearcy Hall), a two-story residence under renovation, several storage out-buildings, and a parsonage.  For more information about use of Epworth's facilities by church members and non-members, including for weddings and funerals, read our facilities guidelines by clicking the button below.

Click Here for Facilities Guidelines


Epworth is located on five beautiful acres on Camp Road.  Expansive lawns provide space for activities such as Camp Road Market and seasonal activities for families and children.  An outside vendor uses the east lawn from October through December for pumpkin and Christmas tree sales.  In the back of the east lawn is a recreational area that is open to the public with horseshoes, bocce ball, gaga pit and a frisbee golf station.  Much of this is due to a generous gift in memory of Gerald Forlaw.

We welcome visitors to use the playground adjacent to the west side of the church. All children must be accompanied by an adult, and all pets must be leashed if children are present.  Please pick up after your dog.

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Fellowship Hall

Pearcy Hall was built in 1966 and named for Reverend English Pearcy who served Epworth UMC during a time of significant growth from 1964 to 1968. The dining room seats 80-100, and a large commercial-type kitchen services the area as do two restrooms.


Epworth's sanctuary was part of the original construction and was remodeled extensively in 2020. Gifts in memory of Epworth members provided funds to adorn the sanctuary: a new steeple in memory of Thomas Benjamin Ford (1974), a new portico in memory of Rush Padgette (1984), a lighted cross above the altar in memory of Kimberly Ann Tyrrell (1992), stained glass window and new doors at the entrance of the sanctuary in memory of Bob and Cecil Blakely (1997), and two stained glass windows in front of the sanctuary in memory of Louise and Edwin Welling (2003).


The main building of Epworth is behind and connected to the sanctuary. This area includes three restrooms, pastor's office, church office, choir room, nursery with children's restroom, and five classrooms for children, youth, and adults.

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