Epworth Family of James Island

Calendar, News & Events

Details of Upcoming Events

Day, Date, and Time Event Location Event Information Learn More
Thursday, January 9, 2:00-3:00 pm Hymn Sing at Indigo Hall 509 Standard Way Sing old favorites with residents or just visit. Meet in the Indigo Hall Lobby. Mingle or take a seat.
Saturday, January 18, 10:00-1:00 pm UMC Job Function Workshop John Wesley UMC, 626 Savannah Highway Charleston UMC District Training Workshops
Sunday, January 19, 7:00 am Men's Breakfast Pearcy Fellowship Hall Men of all ages are invited
Sunday, February 2, 3:00-4:00 pm Grief Share Group Pearcy Fellowship Hall Our next GriefShare group begins Sunday, February 2. It offers support for those who have experienced loss of loved ones through death. The 13-week support group includes time to share stories of grief and loss and learn through videos and conversation. Please share this information with friends who are grieving. The community is welcome. To register, go to GriefShare.com/findagroup and register for the Epworth UMC at James Island group.
October 13-25 Journey to Greece: 13-day "Journeys of Paul and John" Land and Sea Tour Follow in the steps of Paul and John to Greece, Turkey and the islands For information, contact Pastor Vivia Fowler: wlfowler@umcsc.org
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